Feet2Beat FAQs…
If you have any questions? Please read our FAQs section below to see if your question has been answered. Please use our contact page if you need further assistance. Thank you, F2B.
Q1: What are Feet2Beat music tracks?
Feet2Beat tracks are music tracks written by our professional composer in different styles and beats per minute (BPM). All tracks are mixed especially for Mp3 format with a driving beat to aid any exercise activity that you can do whilst listening to music via your Mp3 player headphones. Simply download any of our Feet2Beat Mp3 tracks and add them to your Mp3 player playlist. Welcome to Feet2Beat!
Q2: Why should I use Feet2Beat?
Feet2Beat tracks are written especially with sport and activity in mind. If you are just thinking about getting fit or are running the next London marathon these tracks will inspire you to reach your goals! Our tracks cover a wide range of unique music and Beats Per Minute (95 – 180 BPM). The constant beat in all of our tracks helps you control your breathing and help you maintain timing of motion with your legs, arms and body movements.
Q3: What are BPM in music?
BPM stands for ‘Beats-Per-Minute‘ and in music it is the pace of music measured by the number of beats occurring in 60 seconds. A track at 120 BPM means 2 beats every second.
Q4: How long are Feet2Beat tracks?
At this moment in time all Feet2Beat tracks come in standard lengths of 5 minutes and 15 minutes. To aid your activity time all Mp3 tracks also contain subtle audio minute markers and an intro – BPM voice over telling you exactly what BPM the Mp3 track is in. This way you know exactly which BPM suits you and your exercise and you can quickly find any Feet2Beat track in your playlist that you need to match to your particular exercise.
Q5: How do I buy and download Feet2Beat tracks?
You can buy any Feet2Beat track(s) by adding your chosen track(s) to your shopping cart. Please check your order before commencing to the payment area of the PayPal website. No refunds can be given in error of track selection choices or after an order has been placed. When you are happy with your track selection, click the Check-out Button where you fill in your personal details, then click the Purchase Button where you will be taken to the PayPal payment area. Please note: if you are not a member of PayPal you can join and then pay for your tracks or pay straight away using a valid credit or debit card. (Please check your order before commencing to the payment area of the PayPal website as no refunds can be given in error of track selection choices or after an order has been placed). Once payment is authorised via PayPal you will be sent to the confirmation page which contains your download link(s). You will also receive a confirmation receipt email; this will also contain your download link(s). Please check your spam folder before contacting us in regards to any missing link(s). Please click the link(s) and your downloads will begin automatically. The link(s) will remain active for 24 hours from the time of purchase so it is important to make your download as soon as possible and within this time. In case of lost internet connection during your download you will be given 2 attempts to download each track you purchase.
Please remember before making any purchase! Although you can purchase our Mp3 tracks via your iOS device – iPad / iPhone etc; when you arrive at your success page containing your download link(s) these Mp3 tracks can not be downloaded directly onto your iPad / iPhone because we have no association with iTUNES. (An iPad will never give the option to download a file since it has no file manager). You can download our Mp3 tracks directly onto any desktop browsers and/ or android devices and then seek your appropriate device support team to find out how to then transfer onto your iPad etc. Thank you, F2B.
Please Note! All download links will be sent to the email address you submit during the checkout process.
Q6: Can I buy any Feet2Beat track in any BPM?
As an added bonus, and at this moment in time, all Feet2Beat tracks are composed in all 3 tempo levels. This means if you love to work out to a track in the Low-Tempo range and advance to the Mid-Tempo range; you will find that same track within that range; and still at 5 or 15 minutes in duration. Please note: Although each Feet2Beat track covers all 3 tempo levels, the tracks will be at a set BPM within each level. We do not compose tracks to bespoke BPM’s.
Q7: How do I put Feet2Beat tracks in my order?
All Feet2Beat tracks will be named starting with their BPM speed i.e ‘130BPM Mis2erBond‘. This means all tracks you download onto your computer / Mp3 player music library should be placed in numerical order i.e. in order of their BPM speed. All Feet2Beat tracks, once added to your player, will appear in their correct album i.e (F2B Low Tempo, F2B MidTempo, F2B High Tempo) and their correct genre i.e (F2B Low Tempo, F2B MidTempo, F2B High Tempo). Please note if you want to place Feet2Beat tracks in your preferred order (create your own playlist) we suggest you look at your Mp3 player manual, as this should advise you on how to rearrange your tracks into the order you want by creating your own custom playlists. Some Mp3 players initially store Mp3 tracks in the order they were added to the player.